A Thriving Local Economy & World Class Destination
- Businesses in our region pay more – including $150m more in payroll tax and 50% more in stamp duty compared to comparable regions of Victoria.
- Business is ineligible for many funding opportunities due to our metropolitan designation – there’s no nuance from government or recognition of our unique challenges.

Leverage the Peninsula’s status as a world-class destination to foster economic growth through fairer government funding and incentives.
Advocate for the region to receive equitable taxing arrangements which reflect the unique characteristics of our region and which
are in place across regional Victoria.
- This includes a ‘regional’ payroll tax rate within the Mornington Peninsula Shire LGA to encourage economic growth and create local jobs.
- Advocate to all levels of government to provide incentives for businesses who seek to offer accommodation for staff, given the complex and continued accommodation crisis in our region.
- Call for the realignment of the Department of Immigration’s regional designation to allow the Mornington Peninsula LGA to be considered regional for the purposes of migrant and working holiday visas.
- Advocate for a flagship regional conference and exhibition centre with accommodation facilities, which would attract nationally significant events, conferences and exhibitions worthy of a major regional centre.
- Seek funding from Federal and State Governments that support the Arts and Cultural destinations within our region.
Partner with the Regional Tourism Board and local government to elevate the profile of the region and attract greater economic
- This includes advocating for increased visitor accommodation and attracting major hotel chains to activity centres, including Frankston.