Andrew Cheeseman
Centenary Park Ward, Frankston City Council
Tell us about yourself!
I’m Andrew Cheeseman. Born local, I’ve lived close to Frankston for three quarters of my life, and currently live in Skye, working in video production and editing. I’m running as a candidate with Victorian Socialists because I remember when this area was a lot easier to get by in. Even if you were down on your luck or had made mistakes, working-class people could afford to rent and even buy a house here. We could live and even thrive. Then the multi-millionaires rewrote the rulebook and ruined everything. Housing became driven by investment. It’s hard to afford rent in stable work, and it’s worse for the elderly, those too sick or injured to work, and those trapped in insecure casual work. I’ve been an activist 24 years, campaigning against corporate greed, against war in Iraq then and Gaza now, for equal marriage rights and against racism. I stand for solidarity – communities are stronger together, and if the wealthy divide us they’ll trample us all.