Garry Ebbott
Yamala Ward, Frankston City Council
Tell us about yourself!
After living in Melbourne’s southeast, east, inner north, and northern suburbs, I saw the light and became a Frankston resident in the early 1990s. My commitment to Frankston is not just professional but deeply personal. I have seen my children and stepchildren thrive in the schools across Frankston, and two of them have chosen to make this area their home,. This is not just a place I want to represent, but a community I am deeply connected to.
My commitment to Frankston is unwavering, and I am dedicated to addressing the needs and concerns of our community. I worked at Telstra for over 20 years. My last role involved project managing office fit-outs across three states. After that, I transitioned into an office furniture sales role. Following two years of working for others, my wife and I decided to start our own business. We began the business in my garage in South Frankston before moving to an office/warehouse in Seaford, which served as our base for almost 20 years.
After winding up our business, I worked in Business Development, going door to door and cold calling for business. It was a tough gig, but it helped me to continue to grow! For the past couple of years, I have deliberately wound down from full-time work to doing a couple of part-time roles, which I enjoy. Last July, I started Advance Frankston with a view to get Frankston moving forward. The Planning Minister putting an interim order on development along the Nepean Highway was the last straw for me. Something needed to happen, so Advance Frankston was created. What a ride it's been. I love being able to advocate for a better Frankston. We have met with the Planning Minister, the local member for Frankston, the Major, and the CEO of the council, as well as various opposition members of parliament. To get a better Frankston, we need to collaborate with all political parties.
I now have the time and the passion to put 110% into helping Frankston achieve its potential. My Vision for Yamala I believe the Yamala ward has some of Frankston’s greatest assets, The Beach and Sweetwater Creek, to name a couple, and they must always be protected. Plenty of work is needed to fix the CBD. Crime is rampant we need to work with local police command and political leaders to get an improved police presence. Young Street doesn’t work; millions of dollars were wasted on a narrow road. With the expected increase in CBD residents over the next decade, as demanded by the State Government, it's crucial to keep the shopping and dining area relevant to the community's growing needs. I fully support the need for all types of housing options for the residents of Frankston. There is a growing demand for apartment living, especially among the younger and older generations. For the record, I recently downsized from a large family home to an apartment and consider myself a "right sizer."
My Vision for Frankston A city that focuses on the things it can control and leaves the rest to those who can control it. Local Government, to me, is about local issues for example; - Road - Rates - Rubbish - Services that support the aged and the vulnerable I want to be part of a council that looks after its residents. I believe the new nine-ward system is a great result for residents. We need to create the framework for the city to grow and prosper, we need less bureaucracy to get things moving. The planning minister needs to approve the FMAC, so we can get to work on making the vision a reality. The FMAC is the jewel in the crown for Frankston. If elected I will work hard for the people of Frankston