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Red Hill Ward
Tim Davies


I have lived on the Peninsula all of my life and have  been involved in farming enterprises and are well awareof the effects of climate change and the hardships farmers face during the droughts.
A new council needs to support agriculture, farm gate sales and help to drought proof the Peninsula. There needs to be a balance between light development and maintaining the green environment as jobs are now critical as part of the Covid recovery.

A new council needs to support small business, a review of planning overlay conditions is needed so that farms in the green wedge can expand and development their enterprises with out wasting time in VCAT.

The council needs to:

  • Support clubs on the Peninsula as the different activities available are important for maintaining mental and physical health, at the same time keeping families and the community together.
  • Separate the Peninsula from Melbourne Metropolitan.
  • Improve internet and mobile services especially in black spots.
  • There must be a change in Shire culture from negative to positive especially from the Planning Department.
  • A review of the budget and planned Strategic projects.
  • An inquiry into the large number of VCAT cases and why rate payers money is being wasted
  • A drop and  freeze on rates for 3 years along with a fire levy review .
  • The council needs to encourage solar power farms.
  • The council needs to address the poor state of the roads and get them back up to previous standards o that speed limits can be increased to the original limits on the good roads.      

  A new council has a lot to change.