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Watson Ward
Stefan Borzecki


A lifetime local resident and major employer in our Shire, I’ve spent the last 35 years building and running a large, successful business in Watson Ward. Now a retiree living with my family in Somerville, I have the time, drive and commitment to effectively represent local residents, businesses and ratepayers on Shire Council.

From decades of regular interaction and dealings with the Shire I’m well aware as a ratepayer how urgently Council needs to change the Shire’s negative culture and review any unsustainable business management, operations, spending priorities and debt levels. Qualified and experienced in Civil Engineering, Business Management and Finance, I aim to help our Watson Ward community weather the coming recession as a voice for change on Council.

I will challenge without fear or favour, any serious shortcomings embedded in Shire culture. In supporting concerns of ratepayers I will also work towards the Shire becoming more proactive in facilitating local job creation, declaring an extended freeze on rates and operating in a more transparent, sustainable and cost-effective manner. Simple changes like taking care of our own rubbish, not dumping it in our neighbour’s yard or spending more on roads and potholes and less on non-essentials and showy icons would be a positive step.

Pedestrian paths and crossings need attention; the cycle foot-path from Somerville to Baxter to Mornington should be completed. The proposed low-cost, popular Tyabb-Somerville-Hastings Coastal Trail should be approved. I advocate doubling the area of our nature parks, green belt and coastline by seeking to incorporate French Island into the Shire.

The Shire should cut non-essential costs, minimise unnecessary red or green tape, reduce using consultancies and avoid costly lawyer expenses.